Coding in the sun...

I'm on holiday right now, and relaxing in the warm sun of Bermuda means it's easier to think clearly. So over the last couple of days I've been working on a little test project that implements ideas I saw in Eric Allam's excellent presentation at Alt TechTalk in London last week. 

Check out his article here

I've worked on using custom transitions between view controllers before and found the new tools in iOS7 to be awesome once you get some comfort with them, I hadn't yet tried them out in combination with some of the easy-to-achieve blur effects and a little UIKit dynamics. 

I made a little video of my efforts, running in the simulator.
EDIT: I also just posted the code here
EDIT: I keep coming back and finding more things to add, it's turning into a great general purpose project for concepts and storing good implementations of technologies... I added persistence to the storage for offline operation, text labels to the image modals and a button to use AVFoundations speech synthesis to read the label out loud. Plus a bunch of formatting and stability tweaks. I'm keeping the code pretty modular too and so far my longest class is 150 lines. There's even a #pragma message line in there too :)
EDIT: Updated the video to reflect the changes to the code.

Beetle vs Golf