It's been too long since I posted last. I actually have stuff in draft I will post soon but haven't finished writing. Basically very busy but wanted to give an update on LocalTalk and it's progress.

While working on LocalTalk, I needed to change the transition between two view controllers. Previously it was defined by a segue in the storyboard. The storyboard holds view controllers for all the parts of the app. Once disconnected from the segue one of the view controllers now sat alone and unconnected to the rest of the app flow, though still in the storyboard itself.

Apple has long had a scripting language embedded in Mac OS, all the way back to System 7 (citation needed). An application could include support for AppleScript by providing a dictionary of accessible commands.

Keep it Simple by Harmut Esslinger. Esslinger founded frog design who worked for Apple in the early stages of their history on products like the Apple II and Macintosh.

I've been mulling on a topic for while, that of how useful are the pre-built tools/classes/frameworks/libraries that are available on github, bitbucket et al...

I'm on holiday right now, and relaxing in the warm sun of Bermuda means it's easier to think clearly. So over the last couple of days I've been working on a little test project that implements ideas I saw in Eric Allam's excellent presentation at Alt TechTalk in London last week.